
Is macOS getting flaky?

Avatar Richard I
I have spent quite a while trying to get the Podcasts app to download correctly onto my Ipod. This involved much twiddling with settings to no avail.

Then the spirit of Bill Gates said from afar "turn it off and on again" and Bingo! -all working!

do you have any other examples?

Re: Is macOS getting flaky?

Avatar Rick Churchill
Yes. Periodically although everything appears normal suddenly the printer driver advises that is waiting for the printer and on separate occasions AirDrop advises that its is waiting. Both are resolved by restarting the Mac.

Re: Is macOS getting flaky?

Avatar Trevor Hewson
Personally, I think OS quality took a step backwards when Apple committed to the annual cycle of updates. It was driven, I believe, by the need to churn out new iPhones annually. If so, I think the marketing case for doing this could be somewhat weaker by now - but whether they will dare step off the treadmill, I very much doubt.

Re: Is macOS getting flaky?

Avatar Mick Burrell
Richard, how did you manage to get your iPod to run macOS? ;-)

Re: Is macOS getting flaky?

Avatar Richard I
Ha ha! That must be where I’m going wrong!
BTW… hats off to Apple for still supporting syncing with an original iPod touch running iOS 2.2.1