
Advertising Societies

Avatar Rick Churchill
The chairman of the Dorset Clock Society has tasked (lumbered) me with suggesting (and probably implementing) an internet presence for the club. He feels that this may bring us some more members.

The present membership consists of the very brightest and skilled horologists through people who mend clocks for a living to people like me who are just have an interest in clocks.

He has suggested Twitter and Facebook about which I know little but thought they were platforms for quickly changing situations and I am not sure how awareness of a new site spreads. We have a web page although I think the chairman could do with some help to make it more attractive! I will suggest he adds something about our most interesting talks we have had in the past and a programme of our next years activities.

There is no real urgency for ideas as I said I would come back to him in the New Year with my suggestions.

Re: Advertising Societies

Avatar Tony Still
Googling "internet publicity tips" threw up some promising looking pages (ignoring the first few sponsored links).

My only personal tip is to design something that needs minimal updating to stay looking fresh. Be it Facebook pages or blogs, things look sad if they start with a flurry of newsy items from their first month and nothing thereafter. Nominating one of the (many) options as your 'master' and using the others to redirect there might help but try not to be too obvious about it.