
Google Earth

Avatar Drew McFarlane
I am right in saying that Street View in Google Earth is now unavailable whilst using Safari?

I have tried and failed accessing it on three computers with a message to download Google Chrome.

Your help would be appreciated.

Re: Google Earth

Avatar Tony Still
Street View is in Google Maps (and I think not in Google Earth).

Works here in Safari on both Mac and iPad/iPhone.

Re: Google Earth

Avatar Drew McFarlane
Within the last half hour Street View has returned to Google Earth?

Re: Google Earth

Avatar Tony Still
I can confirm that Street View is working for me in Google Earth on iPad/Safari (and I didn't even know it was supposed to!).

Presumably Google had a glitch.

Re: Google Earth

Avatar Jeanette Jones
What I have previously noticed about StreetView in Google Maps - Probably not relevant to your question on GoogleEarth Drew - is that if it wasn't available, to look for the nearest business, shop or whatever, near to the area where I wanted to search.

I clicked on that business and somewhere in the description or photos, it had the small map view with the StreetView icon, which I then could click on to get StreetView access on the map and I could then follow along the Street for a while.
Often, the access on StreetView ran out and I'd have to look for the next nearest business. This made me think I'd found a secret way of accessing it! 😆

I tried to do the same just now via Safari and had no trouble getting StreetView access in GoogleMaps at all, so whether I had just stumbled on something strange at the time, I'm not sure.
(I also just tried getting into GoogleEarth on my Mac via Safari and was told my browser didn't support it)

Re: Google Earth

Avatar Tony Still
I think Google is progressively introducing a new way of "moving" in Streetview: the arrows ('>') seem gradually to be being replaced by blue lines. Nasty things seem to happen where one scheme ends and the other starts.

At the weekend, I was looking at a shopping street and thinking it seemed out of date, my other half clicked in a slightly different position and got up-to-date imagery (mine was probably 6 years old!). Both of us were using nominally identical set-ups on iPads.

Re: Google Earth

Avatar Drew McFarlane
As a constant user of "Earth" I have noticed lots of changes over the past years, e.g. if you zoom into Bournemouth as far as you can, then using the arrow heads under the "N" on the top left of your screen you have a clear panoramic view without using Street Level. This facility in and around Dorchester isn't available.

Whilst using street level, looking at where I used to live in Bucks, travelling from west to east towards the house is an old version, if I travel from east to west it changes to a new version. Our house one way is as we used to have it, the other way has a new side extension.

Re: Google Earth

Avatar Tony Still
So it's not a bug at all: it's a feature!

Re: Google Earth

Avatar Drew McFarlane
Sorry Tony I don't understand.

Re: Google Earth

Avatar Tony Still
A well-known software developer excuse when something does not work as expected.

Re: Google Earth

Avatar Drew McFarlane
I thought I was missing out on something??