Beaminster — Sep 3rd 2019

Beaminster AUG
Meeting on 3rd September 2019

David P presented ways of getting documents onto iCloud. The methods included: saving directly from packages such as Pages or choosing particular documents to save on the iCloud using the Share option or scanned in using the Notes app in iPhones and iPads then sent to the cloud using Share. In the Share option is the facility to convert to pdf and save that version on the iCloud. David explained how he used these techniques to create back-ups and have available essential documents while on holiday.

The second presentation was on iMovie. A 50 second movie was compiled from two video clips and two still images. Rather amazingly it all came together and showed what could be done using the facilities all iPhone and iPad users have at their fingertips. Beaminster members, now all budding Spielbergs, dashed off to practise their new-found art.


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