Lytchett Matravers — May 11th 2008

Another good meeting at Crumpets even though numbers were a little down (we blamed the glorious weather!)

Mark started us off by showing us the data detectors in the Leopard version of Mail. These show an excellent integration between Mail, iCal and Address Book allowing you to semi-automatically add contacts and appointments that you've received by email.

Next, Martin took us through the what he'd done to publish a book using Pages. When I say publish, all the layout of text and photographs was done in Pages and then saved as a Postscript file to send to a professional printing house. We were also shown the finished book - very professional it was too.

We finished off with the usual help session, such a major part of the Lytchett meetings.

Mick Burrell


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Eleanor Spenceley said…

For anyone who is interested the web-address for the on-line publisher is:

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