Salisbury — Nov 25th 2009

We had a very good attendance last night, the highest number we've had for quite some time. Numbers were boosted by people from other areas who had come specifically to see the presentation on how to deal with transferring data from your old Mac to a new one and then what needs to be done to the old Mac in order to let it go to its new home safe in the knowledge that your old data has been properly erased. The presentation prompted questions, answers and input from the audience with their own experiences in this area. It made it a very lively meeting and I'm sure provided a good basic knowledge of what to expect for those that have yet to attempt it.

As usual the meeting started with our question and answer session where we dealt with such varied issues as how to cope with a camera which starts renumbering its photographs from zero every time its card is emptied and how to deal with a recalcitrant printer which refuses to behave itself with Snow Leopard.

This is just advanced warning that there will be no meeting at Salisbury in December as the last Wednesday (30th) falls right in the middle of the festivities at the rugby club so the room we use is not available.


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Trevor Hewson said…

Thanks Mick, for a presentation that was both informative and, for us at least, perfectly timed, having received the dispatch notification for our new iMac on the day of the meeting!
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