Bournemouth — Oct 18th 2016

13 members gathered to hear Alex from Solutions tell us all about MacOS Sierra. Although the new features of Sierra are fully documented on Apple's website, it was interesting to see them demonstrated and much discussion ensued to clarify exactly how the updates worked. Regulars at Bournemouth will be unsurprised to learn that the Photos updates, in particular, attracted much interest and interrogation.

A show of hands indicated that not many members had yet made the change but most found the talk encouraging so it might be interesting to ask the question again in a couple of month's time.

After a short Tea Break, the usual Q&A session was held, covering customisation of the trackpad and of course Photos and Photostream.

Before closing the meeting, Tony put out an appeal for a note taker, the current scribe having become somewhat unreliable (says Trevor) due to other commitments. We will return to this topic in November...


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John Nicholas said…

A very helpful and informative presentation by Alex and I thank him for the evening time he devoted. Have still to load Sierra because one of my critical oft used software items is still only running its update in Beta with several glitches still to be ironed out even though the update was to have been issued 5 weeks ago. Getting impatient to update OS but maybe my missing software will emerge soon after the .1 update of the OS which delay many suggest we should consider anyway. I hope Alex, by the time I upgrade I can still read my scribbled notes of this meeting..........

John Nicholas said…

Hadn't realised the .1 update of Sierra is out there already, so perhaps in my case I meant the .2 update
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