Bournemouth — Jun 16th 2015

A group of 10 members gathered to hear the main presentation of the evening, Trevor Hewson talking about building a website and using the Freeway application.

Trevor started his presentation by discussing what a website is and why you may want to build one. A website is a navigable and maintainable set of interlinked pages, images, videos etc. A personal website is a challenging way to share information about shared interests.

Trevor thought that designing the structure of a website was a good way of organising the information about his interests: model aircraft flying and family history. You can see Trevor's website at:

Trevor then showed Freeway, an application which allows the building of a website without any need to understand the web languages: HTML, CSS and Javascript. Freeway looked a little like a presentation application like Keynote. Trevor had even produced the slides for his presentation using Freeway and presented them in a web browser.

Trevor showed the Freeway documentation, unlike most applications these days Freeway comes with extensive documentation, nearly 250 pages.

After the usual coffee break Tony Still did a short presentation about the news from Apple's World Wide Development Conference(WWDC) - 8th June 2015. Tony concentrated on a report of Mac OS X "El Capitan" 10.11 and IOS 9.

El Capitan
El Capitan provides an improved user experience from Mission Control a new Notes application and natural language search in Spotlight.

It also provides performance improvements due to "metal" technology.

For more information:

Features include: A new Notes app, Siri for search, apple pay, split view, a new Notes app. and maps to include public transport(Only London in UK)

For more information:

John A


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