Salisbury — Sep 29th 2015

10 members and 2 visitors

There were questions on Safari not working with Virgin e-mails.

Adding a contact to SKYPE, also accepting and adding a request for a SKYPE contact.

Care must be taken when opening an e-mail apparently from Apple that may be a scamming operation by criminals hoping to get your password and bank details, check whether it is genuine you should hover the mouse over the address to see where it may be returned to, the best thing to do if tell your Mac the it is junk do not answer. Apple will never ask you to disclose this kind of information.

Mick demonstrated to us how to use the accounting application “accountz home” that he uses, he showed how to enter the folders that contain the income and outgoings and how the application does the calculation with totals appearing below the lists. It can be configured to make payment to Direct Debits and to receive Credits, this application is comprehensive and not too difficult to understand.
You can setup a monthly income/expenditure plan and It allows input from different bank accounts and put them in one place.

There was a showing of a presentation relating to fine porcelain originally created using Powerpoint and was converted by Mac into Keynote, with an embedded movie that was squashed, by de-selecting constrain and dragging the movie handles to get it correct aspect ratio.

Finishing off with Michael who brought his AppleTV box to demonstrate how it can connect to the large TV wirelessly from an iPad that Doug had brought along, this made the connection successfully demonstrating how easy it is to get started.

Next meeting, Tuesday 27th October 2015, at Tesco Extra Community Space, Southampton Road, Salisbury 7:30-9:30 pm.


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