Fareham — Oct 13th 2007

Our first meeting under the new subscription system. We received a couple of apologees, but despite this managed to tempt fourteen members to a lively meeting.

We kicked off by viewing a couple of the latest Apple adverts, including the new iPod Touch, just to see how many of us have been tempted to date, which led onto discussions about the new iPhone (and who will be tempted when they go on sale within the UK)!

We followed this with a presentation on graphics for the web, which went into the types of files required and elements that had to be taken into consideration before putting images onto web pages. We'll be following this up next time with how to put these images onto the web pages!

Coffee and Donuts followed, with general chat and problem solving! calling everyone back, we then moved onto discusions about the latest Apple Pages application, showing a few of the shortfalls within the program and getting general feedback from all.

The meeting concluded with hints and tips, and again broad discussions on various member problems. In general a very lively meeting with very good donuts!!

Terry Willis


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Tony Roberts said…

A first class meeting venue and a very professional setup. Well done Terry and more please.Some very interesting tips and hints and "loverly" doughnuts.
My first meeting with WAMUG and very impressed.
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